Welliver Photography

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Day 313.

Today is the 313th day of 2010. As our Flickr follows have figured out, we have been doing a Photo of the Day project for 2010, and so far, we've each posted 312 photos (that's through yesterday) to our respective POTD sets on Flickr. 624 total for teamwelliver. That's a lot of photos, but that's only 1 photo per day. Sure, some days we've only taken 1 photo, but other days, we've each taken a bunch. Our Aperture library is overflowing, our hard drives are quickly filing, yet most days only get 1 single photo posted. I have other photos from those days that I like, but they tend to get orphaned, left to wilt and get lost in the shuffle of far too many photos. So today I share some of my favorites from the last week or so that didn't make my cut as the POTD. Doesn't mean I didn't like them--they just weren't "the one" for that day.

This collage was all taken with my Canon G10 point and shoot while I was hiking with the dog on a damp, foggy morning last week. If you're curious, this day's POTD can be found here.

This set is from a walk to the post office yesterday afternoon with the dog. The upper left photo here actually was my POTD from yesterday.

And finally some spiderwebs from that same damp morning as the first collage above. Again, captured with the G10 point and shoot.

My thoughts on the POTD project with just over a month and a half to go...its been fun, especially during the periods when I was living in Louisiana and Terry was living in Monterey. Its been tough to find something inspiring everyday. Some days its been hard just to find time to take a quick photo. Some days we've gotten some good stuff. On a few days we've even gotten great stuff. On other days we just take whatever is easy, especially when its 11 pm and its time for bed and we've forgotten to take a photo. Has it made us better photographers? I think so, but at the same time, I feel its polluted our pool of photos. We've posted some lower quality stuff on Flickr, thus sharing art that isn't our best work with the world. Does that matter? Who knows.

In the end what matters is that we've done something we love to do, everyday, for a whole year. We've documented us. We've documented life. We've documented our lives. Will we do it again next year? Probably not. The project will have run its course. But its been a fun little journey.