Welliver Photography

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Thirsty Thursday: My Take on the Lupines

Rambler: Beth

Drink at Hand: Tolosa Rose of Grenache

Hey Welliver Photography fans...Thirsty Thursday here again. Time to pour something yummy and make those weekend plans. Terry has been carrying the blogging workload around the home office due to my MBA homework. But tonight I couldn't ignore the pretty lupine photos from last weekend sitting in my Aperture library any longer, so I decided to ignore my homework and take care of Thirsty Thursday night. 

We didn't have to travel anywhere fancy for these photos. We probably park at this trailhead two or three times a week to take the dog for her favorite run. All that means we are ridiculously spoiled to have easy access to such beauty a mere five or six minutes from home, depending on the one spotlight along the way. ​



​Cuteness in the Prettiness. 

Single and Double. ​


While I'll be doing my homework, please get out there and find a field of flowers this weekend for me!​