Welliver Photography

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Thirsty Thursday: More Lupines!

Rambler: Terry
Drink in Hand: Ventana Red Table Wine (again)​

The lupines at Ft Ord are fading fast. The long grass has pretty much overtaken them. They are still visible, but not as grand a couple weeks ago. In last Thursday's post, Beth posted a few of her lupine photos. I always find it surprising the different compositions we find at the same location. If I remember right, she was shooting with her trusty 24-70mm and for my shots, I started with a 40mm and then switched to 180mm. Prime lenses are just awesome. I still think she may have taken the shot of the day (first picture from last week's post).​ I'm not sure if we'll be able to get out this weekend to shoot, but I know the Mas and us with have some sort of adventure (always do). Happy almost Friday!

​The Exception

​oh, and of course, the mas loved the entire shoot...