Rambler: Terry
Drink in Hand: Gin and Tonic
Here's several dozen pictures of a day in Garland Park and Carmel with some good friends!
Rambler: Terry
Drink in Hand: 2010 Ancient Peaks Zinfandel
It's been just under a year since we were in Italy and I still haven't looked through all my pictures. #fail. I think maybe it's because I'd like to go back. But, since we haven't won the lottery and Massey isn't a famous dog model (she's a diva of course), I don't think we'll be going back any time too soon. So, tonight I spent a few minutes looking through my Sestri Levante sunrise shots. Here's a few. In typical Welliver Photography style, the sky has no drama.
Rambler: Terry
Drink in Hand: 2011 Francis Ford Coppola Chardonnay Director’s Cut Russian River Valley
It's pretty much the same time of year and we're missing the lupines. Don't get me wrong, there's a few out there, but nothing like last year. I think even Massey misses them.
My favorite shots of Massey are probably when she's running at full speed. But sometimes it helps if the scene she's running through is full of lupines. She just looks like she's having so much fun!
Happy Massey Monday! One of my personal favorites. Makes me laugh.
Rambler: Terry
Drink in Hand: 2007 De Tierra Pinot Noir
Beth's last Two Word Tuesday inspired me to finally begin to dig into my photos from Germany and Italy. We both have thousands of shots to go through and I have been having a hard time motivating myself to edit them. I'm not sure why, but it's just been tough lately. I suppose the best way to start is just to start. . .so, I picked the day with only a dozen images. To my dismay, sifting through the dozen photos took me quite a while. I think it had something to do with trying to style the photos. I kept feeling like they needed a vintage look or something like that. Perhaps I should have more wine. I finally settled on these seven shots.
They were all taken almost immediately after I arrived at Beth's hostel in Germany. Well, I take that back. When I first arrived at Beth's hostel, she was still in class, so I let myself in and immediately fell asleep (jet lag gets me every time). Beth woke me up sometime later and we were off to the castle. I don't think I was entirely sure where I was and I didn't even know what castle it was until I saw her Two Word Tuesday! I promise many more shots are coming. Enjoy the weekend!
Rambler: Terry
Drink in Hand: Ventana Red Table Wine
With the summer months rolling on and the greeniness disappearing, it's nice to look back on the time a few short months ago when the flowers ruled the landscape.
Rambler: Terry
Drink in Hand: Ventana Red Table Wine
Another weekend is near and another adventure is scheduled. I'm not sure where we're going yet, but here are some shots from a previous adventure (or hike). Depending on the amount of homework and other work we have this weekend, we may be heading south to SLO for some vino and other exploring. A break from the normal is definitely needed. I know the Mas (whom is resting near me as I write this) will be up for it!
A touch of blue, a bit of green and yellow, and a little bit of Massey. Now that's one happy puppy. Not a bad way to start this Monday!
Rambler: Terry
Drink in Hand: 2008 Twomey Merlot
Not much to say this week. Work has been keeping us both pretty busy but we've been lucky enough to get the Mas out for some short runs. As far as shooting outings, they've been few and far between again. I think this may be my last post of lupines for the season, but they were sure awesome this year. Hopefully, we (and you) can get out there this weekend for a mini-adventure!
Rambler: Terry
Drink in Hand: Ventana Red Table Wine (again)
The lupines at Ft Ord are fading fast. The long grass has pretty much overtaken them. They are still visible, but not as grand a couple weeks ago. In last Thursday's post, Beth posted a few of her lupine photos. I always find it surprising the different compositions we find at the same location. If I remember right, she was shooting with her trusty 24-70mm and for my shots, I started with a 40mm and then switched to 180mm. Prime lenses are just awesome. I still think she may have taken the shot of the day (first picture from last week's post). I'm not sure if we'll be able to get out this weekend to shoot, but I know the Mas and us with have some sort of adventure (always do). Happy almost Friday!
This is a continuation of last week's Thirsty Thursday. Massey enjoyed the 8 mile hike but was always looking away from me (at least mostly) so I didn't get to many shots of her running at me or the smile she had on her face (I assure you that she was smiling the entire hike). I did get a shot of her running to see her best friend with her "Big Paws" :-) .
Rambler: Terry
Drink in Hand: 2011 Wente Riva Ranch Chardonnay
It's been a crazy busy couple of weeks. I think that Beth and I have worked more in the last couple of weeks than we have all year. Perhaps it's because we're both trying to change our organizations. I think we are both making progress, but change is slow. Always was, always will be. That's probably a good thing. Sometime through the mix of staring at computer screens, editing pages, and creating content we found time to get out for an 8 mile hike. It was refreshing to get away from it all and watch Massey do her thing. It's also the start of wildflower season! Yay! The hills are so gorgeous and now covered with lupines. Last weekend when we went on the hike, little yellow flowers were everywhere. I've heard it may rain this weekend, but hopefully we (and you) can get out there and take some more photographs or just enjoy the outdoors!
Rambler: Terry
Drink in Hand: 2009 Tolosa Edna Ranch Pinot Noir
Like usual from me, not much to say other than we're off to find a view like this. Well, not quite like this, as this shot was taken in Mayflower Gulch in Arapaho National Forest near Frisco, CO. Regardless, enjoy the long weekend and go get lost. I know we'll be out there.
Rambler: Terry
Drink in Hand: 2007 Scheid Reserve Chardonnay (take a moment and appreciate this one)
A short post this week, but the drink in hand is amazing. If you ever want to see the blue water, I mean really blue, head down to New Zealand and find yourself a glacier lake. We found this one on the south island while driving to whatever was making the clouds blue (yes, the water was so blue it was turning the clouds blue).
Rambler: Beth
Drink at Hand: North Coast Brewing Company PranQster Belgian Ale (Belgian because its cyclocross season!)
Welcome to the first Thirsty Thursday of 2012! Time to pour something yummy and make those weekend plans. This past weekend was a busy one for Welliver Photography, shooting a beautiful New Year's Eve wedding in Big Sur on Saturday, dinner with friends on Sunday, and the most ridiculously absurd photo-exploration adventure on Monday...one that is sure to be a Thirsty Thursday in the coming weeks.
With 1800+ images to go through from the wedding between the two of us, today's post is a quickie break from editing before I get back to my levels and curves. I snuck in a few of "non-wedding" photos during the day on Saturday. Did I mention that the sunset was unbelievable?!
No matter what you're up to this weekend, hopefully you can sneak in a capture or two of some beautiful scenery as well!