Howdy readers (or maybe we've dwindled down to reader...hi mom). As I sit here in sunny Monterey, CA, reunited with Terry after 17 months living 2 time zones apart, and finally free of my former life as Air Force weather geek, I figured its time to catch the world up by posting some photos. Plus, the last 2 posts have come from Terry which means I've been seriously slacking. So, just one photo today but fear not--this housewife will soon have nothing more to do than take the dog to play dates and prepare cocktails and cheese plates for the hubby's return home from work each afternoon. He'll have to massage his own feet though. We stopped at the Grand Canyon on the road trip from Lousyana to California. Had I been wearing my heart rate monitor I would have been able to confirm that I was in Zone 4 while he screwed around out on the edge of the 1,000,000,000' cliff into the Canyon. But I got a cool photo.