
Thirsty Thursday: Views from Fort Ord

Rambler: Terry
Drink in Hand: Ventana Monterey Red Wine (Table)​

Not a bad week. Fairly productive at work (still a few too many meetings, but it's been worse). The photographying was a bit sparse again and so was the editing. ​I think tonight, I'll just put on a little Friends and just relax. Perhaps I'll edit some more Thailand photos. 

A few words about tonight's post. Most of the time, when we're at Fort Ord, we're either running without a camera trying keep up with the Massey or ​we have a camera and we're taking pictures of her. So, here's some of the views we get to see while doing both of least when it's nice outside. ​


Thirsty Thursday: Driving Sunset

Rambler: Terry
Drink in Hand: Ventana Monterey Red Wine (a.k.a., the red table wine)

Okay, so I understand the laws that govern driving–like following the speed limit, stopping at red lights, and not talking on the phone without a handsfree device.  I sure hope there's not a law for taking pictures of the amazing sunset while driving.  Because, if there is, I'm definitely guilty.  Sometimes, the moment requires you to just bend the rules just a bit.  I promise I was careful and next time, I'll have Beth drive.

Thirsty Thursday: Summer in Iowa

Rambler: Beth
Drink at Hand: 2010 Ancient Peaks Renegade

Thirsty Thursday is here again! Time to pour something yummy and make those weekend plans! We spent last week in Iowa. It was an unexpected trip home but its always good to see the family.

You might remember a few of these scenes from this post shortly after Christmas. The seasonal shift of landscapes in the Midwest is certainly something I miss...the 100+ degree temperatures I do not.

Get out there and find a landscape you like this weekend!

Thirsty Thursday: Road Less Traveled...

Rambler: Beth
Drink at Hand: 2007 Crianza Old Vine Tempranillo

Not going to lie, this Thirsty Thursday snuck up on us here at Welliver Photography. So while I did pour something yummy (that tempranillo is good!), I haven't had much of a chance to put together this week's entry. We are working on something good for next week, but this week I only have one photo to share.

While this week's post is just a single photo, it pretty much hit the spirit of what we want Thirsty Thursday to be. These posts are supposed to be about getting out there and seeing or doing something different, interesting, exciting, etc. I doubt any reader will know where to find this road. We truly were in the middle of nowhere on a road that doesn't really go anywhere. We didn't see another car for hours (if I don't count the guy and his dog on the 4-wheeler with the shotgun tied to the back). But, oh what an adventure we had this day, and that's what its all about!

Go find a new place to explore this weekend!

Thirsty Thursday: Uncommon Views at Yosemite

Drink in Hand: Ice Water Rambler: Terry

When you vist Yosemite, you are always tempted to take the standard images. The images you see everywhere. The beautiful rock formations that tower above you. I have to admit that it is tough to not photograph these scenes. But sometimes, I think the scenes you normally pass by are the ones that make a trip to the valley more real. They are scenes that you rarely take the time to appreciate their beauty. Here are a few of those scenes that I think fit into this category.

Of course, I actually did take some of those standard shots (who could actually resist), but those are for another day...