
Massey Monday: Needs Her Space

A few weeks ago we took Massey along, as we do nearly every time, for a weekend hike. She's used to our weekend runs and hikes in places like Ft Ord...big, wide-open fields where she is free to run her cute little bobbed tail off. The Juan Bautista de Anza Trail isn't one of those. Private pastures neatly delineated with one of the most impeccably taunt barbed-wire fences I've ever seen forced Miss Mas to stay on the double track trail for the duration of the stroll. She did sneak under once. Just once. She looks like a wild buckin' bronco with her new-found freedom. Wild and free. You'd never believe that she fell straight to sleep when we got back to the car.

Massey Monday: Hike Patrol

One of the best parts of hiking with Massey is simply watching her. She's pretty funny...always has to be in front, goes into huntress mode all the time, and will suddenly dart off into the brush after birds or bunnies or who knows what. Those darts almost always start with the tilt of the head and a curious look.

Massey Monday: Crazy Adventures

So, what can I say...Massey is a great puppy (I mean dog). She puts up with our crazy adventures, like driving two or more hours to some trail that we don't even know if it really exists. Driving to the tops of mountains and joining somewhat random wineries. But at the end of the day, I think she likes our crazy adventures. Here's a few shots of her on one of them. Perhaps some of these shots will make a Thirsty Thursday sometime.

Massey Monday: Wilderness Dog

I was cleaning up some photo projects from earlier this year and stumbled across a couple of Massey from our backpacking trip in the Kaiser Wilderness. She doesn't get off easy on these trips just because she's a dog...she has to carry her own weight!

Can't wait to get back out there in the backcountry again next summer. Maybe we'll drag Terry along next time.

Massey Monday: Lazy Days

Sometimes Massey reminds me of Hobbes from Calvin & Hobbes. She had a fantastic weekend starting on Saturday with a two plus hour run in Fort Ord. Then, the Beth's Mom and Dad showed up and she was all over it. Yesterday, the rest of the family went up to San Francisco while Massey and I had some all-day quality time together. This included another run at Ord and getting soaked in the rain. When we got home, she of course needed a bath...but then after that, she was buried under her blanket on our bed for about an hour...then she decided that the sac needed her attention so she curled up in it. I ended up throwing the blanket on her after bugging her with a few snapshots. She did made the nose hole herself though. Bottom line: Lazy Sunday = Good Sunday.

Massey Monday: Play with Me!

We have been spending a lot of our weekend time lately behind our computers editing photos. Massey seems to hate an open laptop, as she knows she's not going to get any attention for a few minutes. It probably seems like hours to her, but let's be honest...neither Terry nor I can resist that cute face for too long. But it doesn't matter to soon as the laptops come open, she goes into her "play positions".  One of us normal gives in shortly thereafter. She has us wrapped around her little paws.