
Thirsty Thursday: Do you ever just look at the hills?

Rambler: Terry
Drink in Hand: Ventana Monterey Red Table Wine

What makes you look at the hills? Is it the grasses or the trees? Is it the details that most people pass by or the views that most people never see? Most of us, myself included, just pass these things by day in and day out with little to no thought; but, upon looking back at old pictures, we should all take more time to appreciate them. Our busy days shouldn't really be that busy. We're only here in passing anyways. Sometimes, we should just stop and take in the beauty that's around us. Take it all it. Because if we don't, it (or we) might be gone tomorrow.


Thirsty Thursday: Views from Fort Ord

Rambler: Terry
Drink in Hand: Ventana Monterey Red Wine (Table)​

Not a bad week. Fairly productive at work (still a few too many meetings, but it's been worse). The photographying was a bit sparse again and so was the editing. ​I think tonight, I'll just put on a little Friends and just relax. Perhaps I'll edit some more Thailand photos. 

A few words about tonight's post. Most of the time, when we're at Fort Ord, we're either running without a camera trying keep up with the Massey or ​we have a camera and we're taking pictures of her. So, here's some of the views we get to see while doing both of least when it's nice outside. ​


Thirsty Thursday: Montaña de Oro State Park

Rambler: Beth Drink at Hand: 2009 Ventana Pinot refreshing on a warm summer day!

Another Thirsty Thursday here again. Time to pour something yummy and make plans for this first full weekend of summer! And what's summer without a trip to the beach? This week we highlight a trip we took to the beach a few weeks back.

About a month ago Terry and I cruised down to San Luis Obispo to visit some friends and do a little bike ride. We were also using the trip as a scouting mission to check out some future photography locations. Unfortunately given the schedule of the weekend we knew we wouldn't be able to get out at the "golden hour" times to catch the nice light on the landscapes, but we could at least check out some good spots.

After breakfast on Saturday morning Terry and I headed out to Montaña de Oro State Park. The location came highly recommended by Steve Sieren, and when Steve suggests a good photo spot, you go there! I have to admit, I was really impressed with diversity of the landscape in this park. Sprawling eucalyptus groves, grassy sand dunes, wide beaches, huge open fields, hidden coves, and possibly the most interesting rock formations along the ocean I've seen. Unfortunately by the time we made it to the water the good morning light was long gone, so the striated rocks on the shore is at the top of the list of photo subjects when we get back down there later this summer. Supposedly the mountain biking isn't too bad either, so we definitely need to get back!

Terry had actually been to this park last year, so he picked our first spot. We spent roughly the next 2 hours climbing up sand dunes, searching out wildflowers, bounding down sand dunes, strolling along the beach, and scribbling notes in the sand. A great morning, just the two of us with camera in hand, doing what we love to do together. Below is a sampling from both of our cameras. I always find it fascinating that Terry and I can be at the same place at the same time and we come away with completely different images! I wonder if any of our readers can tell who took which images...

And for a little schmoopiness...

Thanks for reading. We hope you get out and do something fun this weekend. Feel free to leave us a comment to tell us about your weekend plans!

Massey Monday: Chasing Meadowlarks

Taking Massey for a hike follows nearly the same pattern every time. We hop in the car and she knows every turn to get to the trailhead. She excitedly whines just a little as we approach each intersection enroute; a little reminder just in case I forgot how to get there. We get out and she dashes about 20 steps up the trail...and promptly drops a lovely present in the trail. Fortunately this happens every time, so we know to be prepared with a poop bag. Then it's full on hunting time. First, she walks slowly, ears perked, surveying, stalking.

Suddenly she erupts. The chase is on. The early chases are usually a bunny or a big bird (see the hawk?!) that she really has no chance of catching. The bunnies dive into a thicket or the hawks just float on the thermal winds high above the ground, well out of reach.

After a few all-out quarter-mile sprints (while I hold my breath and hope she doesn't lodge a foxtail in her ear), she chills a bit and waits. She knows she'll find some quail or some smaller birds to chase if she's patient.

This week it was the meadowlarks. They constantly sang as we walked. Their distinctively familiar song reminded me of being back home in Iowa. As the sun heated the golden hillsides, the wind began to stir the grasses and the little birds took flight, swirling and swooping over the tall grass. Our little dog took chase. If you look closely at the photo below, you can see a meadowlark just above the hill in the background.

She was one happy and tired dog by the end of the hike.


Merry Christmas from the Dog

Massey wanted to feel festive yesterday, so she found herself some green and red. Then she said "woof woof woof" which loosely translates to "Happy Christmas."

She later informed Mom and Dad that we shouldn't cut the grass when its so wet.