
Thirsty Thursday: Holiday Weekend

Rambler: Beth Drink at Hand: 2006 Hahn Family Wines Cycles Falcon Zinfandel (Click to see the super cool label on this bottle)

Time for another Thirsty Thursday where we pour something yummy and make our weekend plans. With the holiday weekend ahead of us, this week's installment highlights a few patriotic scenes from Washington, DC a few years ago. I haven't spent a lot of time in DC, but being there over the 4th of July was pretty cool.

And what's the 4th of July without fireworks?! I leave you with an awesome photo that Terry took in Japan, complete with the coolest plane in the Air Force, the A-10.

Enjoy your 4th of July weekend!

Merry Christmas from the Dog

Massey wanted to feel festive yesterday, so she found herself some green and red. Then she said "woof woof woof" which loosely translates to "Happy Christmas."

She later informed Mom and Dad that we shouldn't cut the grass when its so wet.